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Cookham Dean CE Primary School

Where we all flourish

You make known to me the path of life.
Psalm 16 verse 11


Curriculum at Cookham Dean


Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intends to develop a love of learning and encourage inquisitive minds and equip all our children  inclusively, with the skills and knowledge to become socially responsible local and global citizens.


Curriculum Implementation

The curriculum at Cookham Dean Primary School is driven by topics that inspire and motivate children to learn. It is through the topics that we teach writing, history, geography, art, D&T and science when it links. The topics are launched with a ‘hook’ that engages the children and gives them a purpose to learn. 


The curriculum covers in the first instance, the National Curriculum objectives, driven by a strong content enhanced by learning experiences in the shape of external visits or visitors to school eg. Rhosy, Ufton Court.

Our outdoor environment enhances our curriculum and is used to provide an alternative learning environment (the outdoor woodland area, our garden area, our pond area). Our extra curricular opportunities give children the chance to experience live performances (Young Shakespeare Company), musical performances (School Classical Extravaganza at the Albert Hall), PE competitions and festivals. We believe these opportunities are imperative to improve the cultural capital of our children.


Our whole school initiatives draw the school learning community together  – E-safety Week, Everybody Writes Day, Healthy Schools Week. Opportunities are given to the children to share and be proud of their learning – this is never more evident when parents are invited into school on a half termly basis to see what they children have learnt.


Learning from our mistakes is an important part of our learning along with ensuring that all children are challenged. Metacognition principles are taught to all children no matter how old they are. Collaboration and teamwork is encouraged. Our children are encouraged to use the 6Rs (responsibility, readiness, reflectiveness, resourcefulness, respectful, resilience) – these behaviours for learning ensure that we have independent learners who are ready for the next stage in their education.


Linking all areas of our curriculum are our concepts  - democracy, responsibility, community, individuality, consequences and resilience. The children learn about these concepts throughout our curriculum eg. Community in RE is linked to Community in history or geography. This enables children to draw upon prior learning and make connections to deepen their understanding.


More information about our curriculum can be found at


Curriculum Impact 

As a result of a broad and balanced curriculum, linked to the school’s behaviours for learning, with high expectations of the standard of teaching we expect all children to

  • have high expectations of themselves,
  • have a sense of pride, belonging and identity within our school, ,
  •  be courteous and respectful and feel equal,
  • have ambition to be the best they can be,
  • gain experiences which enhance character and mould their future thinking,
  • see the value in challenge and relish the opportunities,
  • understand that we are a part of Britain and our shared values matter,
  • have parents that feel involved and included,
  • have made strong educational progress,
  • enjoy learning and continue to be lifelong learners well after they have left Cookham Dean.



You will find out more about each curriculum subject below.

You will also find more information on the class pages in the children's section