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Cookham Dean CE Primary School

Where we all flourish

You make known to me the path of life.
Psalm 16 verse 11



At Cookham Dean CE Primary School, the intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all, and that will maximise the outcomes for every child, so that they know more, remember more and understand more.

PSHE is embedded in all that we do to enable our children to become independent, responsible, healthy and confident members of society. Our PSHE curriculum has been built with the aim to support the development of the ‘whole child’, by helping them to understand how they are developing personally and socially as well as promoting their social, mental and physical development. Children will be able to develop the ability to tackle the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Through our discreet lessons as well as a wider cross curricular approach to teaching PSHE, children are taught how to keep themselves safe, physically and emotionally resulting in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, which enables children to access the wider curriculum. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.



EYFS - In the Foundation Stage, PSHE is embedded throughout the curriculum. The children are taught through adult modelling, an enabling environment, discrete lessons as required and the Kapow Scheme of Work materials. We use the non-statutory guidance from Development Matters 2021 and Birth to 5 Matters to plan specific opportunities to  shape our everyday practice and provision.  The children in Reception work towards three Early Learning Goals for PSED as part of the EYFS Framework.  The Early learning Goals serve as a summary of what children should have achieved by the end of their time in Reception.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 - At Key Stage 1 and 2, PSHE is taught through a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. 

Pupils are taught PSHE using ‘Kapow’ which is a spiral, progressive scheme of work, which 'aims “to give children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need to effectively navigate the complexities of life in the 21st Century. The curriculum covers key areas which will support children to make informed choices now and in the future around their health, safety, wellbeing, relationships, and financial matters and will support them in becoming confident individuals and active members of society.”

In addition to Relationships Education, we also teach aspects of Sex Education that is covered in our Science Curriculum. Alongside this we teach about different kinds of relationships, including same sex relationships, because it is important that our children should have an understanding of the full diversity of the world they live in and be prepared for life in modern Britain. 


We also teach PSHE through the MindUp programme: a series of lessons which are taught in the first half term in each class with a focus on mindfulness and understanding how the brain works. In addition, children are re-introduced to Zones of Regulation and strategies to help themselves to regulate. Brain breaks are used at least 3 times during the day to enable children to calmly focus on their breathing before working in order to help prepare their mindset for working.


PSHE is taught through Kapow’s half termly themes with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level). These themes link to specific weeks across the year e.g. Anti-bullying Week.


It also identifies links to British Values, and SMSC and is taught in such a way as to reflect the overall aims, values, and ethos of the school.


PSHE is taught in weekly lessons across the school in addition to cross curricular opportunities throughout the week.



As a result of PSHE teaching at Cookham Dean Primary School we aim to enable pupils to:

  • approach a range of real-life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life
  • be on their way to becoming healthy, open minded, respectful, socially and morally responsible, active members of society with an understanding of self-care and self-reliance
  • appreciate difference and diversity
  • recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty
  • be able to understand and manage their emotions resulting in emotional security
  • be able to look after their mental health and well-being
  • be able to develop positive, healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future
  • understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level
  • have respect for themselves and others
  • have a positive self esteem
  • have an ability to collaborate
  • be able to concentrate


Impact will be formatively assessed using a variety of strategies during and at the end of half termly themes.



Emotional Well Being Ambassadors


Who are we?


What do we do?

Our role is to help and support any children within the play ground at play times and lunch times.


How do we do this?

We are constantly looking around the playground to see if there are children sitting on the buddy bench who need a friend to play with.

Children can approach us and we will help them.

We help to influence the children by being good role models and helping them to play happily.


How do they know who we are?

We wear yellow caps at lunch time and play time, so we stand out in the playground.


Buddy Bench

If children cannot find one of their friends to play with at play time, then we have a buddy bench in the play ground which children can sit on and then us, as Emotional Well-being ambassadors will go and help these children to find their friends to play with or we will play with them.
