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Cookham Dean CE Primary School

Where we all flourish

You make known to me the path of life.
Psalm 16 verse 11

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Dear Parents and Children,


The teachers in Year 5 are Mrs Stevenson (Mondays & Tuesdays) and Mrs Thompson (Wednesdays-Fridays). We are ably supported by  our TAs, Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Charlwood who are in class every day. We are really looking forward to seeing you all back in school and can't wait to start our learning journey in Year 5. Due to ease, please come into school in your PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday. You will remain in this all day so please do not bring in anything to change into. (Please see the "PE" section below for other guidance.) 


Our class page contains lots of information about what we will be focusing on this year, as well as links to useful websites. Children are positively encouraged to bring in any work that has been completed that relates to our topic as we love to see it.


Going into the new term, we are aware that parents have restricted access on site and so face-to-face interaction with us may be limited. If you do have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us through the school office. Our contact details will be shared during our "Meet the Teacher" meeting on Monday 9th September 2024 at 2:45. We're looking forward to meeting as many of you as can make it.


Very best wishes 


Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Thompson


Curriculum Overview by Term

Year 5 Topics


Autumn 1Why Were There So Many Kings in Medieval Britain?Properties & Changes of Materials

National Archives Workshop

Richard III Visitor Centre Workshop

Autumn 2Why Did Anne Boleyn Lose Her Head?Forces

National Archives Workshop

Windsor Castle Workshop

Ufton Court (Spring 1)

Spring 1Why Do Oceans Matter?SpaceMaidenhead Astronomical Society
Spring 2What & Where Are Mountains?Animals Including Humans 


Summer 1Would You Like to Live In The Desert?


Living Things & Their Habitats



Summer 2How Different Were The Ancient Egyptian Beliefs?-

Eton Workshop (TBC)

Ashmolean Museum (TBC)


Topic order may change depending on availability of enrichment.

Maths and English Non-Negotiables


One session of PE will take place outside on Tuesday (afternoon)and sometimes outside on a Thursday (afternoon). Please ensure your child wears a full PE kit including trainers to school on these days. We aim to go outside every week, (even during the winter!) so please feel free to include base layers (preferably plain black), gloves and hat. Scarves are not permitted for safety reasons during games lessons although children can wear snoods. 




We really hope to instil a 'love of reading' in Year 5 and we have a wide selection of recommended Year 5 books for the children to choose from. We ask that the children have their reading diary and reading book in school every day. It is really important that the children are reading at least 3 times a week and that they continue to read to an adult (even for a few pages). We would really appreciate parental support with asking your child about the book they are reading, in order to continue to develop their comprehension.

Throughout the year, we will be studying recommended reading texts for Year 5, during Guided Reading. Fortunately, we have some class sets of books, but we may ask if you are able to buy or borrow copies of a particular book, in order for us to be able to study a text in detail. We really appreciate your support and generosity with this.



Homework will be sent out on a Wednesday and needs to be handed in on the following Wednesday. The children will be given plastic folders to keep their homework in.


English & Maths

English and maths homework will be sent home weekly in paper form, but will also be available on MS Teams.



Each week, the children will be taught a particular spelling pattern/rule from the Year 5 curriculum. The children will have opportunities to explore words with the particular pattern and daily morning spelling practice. They will be given 10 spelling words with the spelling pattern that they have been taught that week. The children will be tested on their spellings every Wednesday morning and given new spellings for the following week. The spelling homework can be found on MS Teams and will also be sent home via the spelling book. All children will have a spelling book. They will stick their new words in this and complete their tests in these too. Children who need extra support with spellings will continue with their programme from Y4. 



In addition to this, the children will have research that must be completed by Monday of the following week. This is normally given out on a Monday (and is also uploaded to MS Teams under the relevant topic/week number in the "Homework" folder under "Class Materials" in the "Files" section) and will help the children feel prepared for the topic learning ahead. The children are welcome to upload any notes etc to their folder in MS Teams to access at school. They will have the opportunity to share their research with the rest of the class every Monday.


Times tables

Every other week we will be testing the children on their times tables, and giving them a mental maths test. It is important that the children continue to practise their times tables on a weekly basis.


‘Pick & Mix’ 

Due to a change in topics this year (2023), Pick & Mix homework is no longer required across the school.

However, we love seeing any topic work that the children have completed at home and encourage them to bring these in (or upload to their folder in MS Teams) when they are completed to share with the class.

External Links 

Please see the document above for ideas on how to keep fit and healthy.


Brain Break Script

Spelling Documents
