School Day
Our school day starts at 8.35am with a soft start for the children. Gates close at 8.45am - if you arrive after 8.45 you will need to go to the office to sign your child into school. From 8.35, the children come into school and start their learning. This might be a recap from the previous day/week or month's work or might be practising of handwriting or spelling.
Assembly is at 9am for approximately 15 minutes.
The children have play time at 10.30am with lunch at 12 midday for KS1 and 12.10 for KS2.
The children leave their classrooms at 3.15pm and exit school via the main entrance for KS1 and the main entrance or back gate for KS2. There is always a member of staff on duty at the front and back gates of KS2 and in KS1, the members of staff hand the children over directly to the responsible adult.
The children are in school every week for a total of 32.5 hours.