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Cookham Dean CE Primary School

Where we all flourish

You make known to me the path of life.
Psalm 16 verse 11

Year 2

Welcome to Year Two



Hello and welcome to our Year 2 class page. We are excited to embark on our learning journey with new and exciting topics. On this class page, you will find key documents you need and information about the Year 2 Curriculum. Class Dojo is also used to maintain communication with our children and families.


Our class teachers are Mrs Hussain (Monday & Tuesday) and Mr O'Gorman (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). Our support staff include Mrs Terry who works in class Monday-Friday mornings and Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Miss Robertson works in class Monday-Friday mornings with a named child.


PE days are Wednesday and Friday. The children are able to wear their PE kit to school on these days.

Library is every Friday. Children should bring in their books on this day to be changed.


If you have any queries surrounding your child's learning or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact either of the class teachers on Class Dojo or speak to us after school. 


Mrs Hussain and Mr O'Gorman.


Year 2 Topics


Autumn 1

Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?

Animals Including Humans
Autumn 2

How was school different in the past?


Living Things & Their Habitats
Spring 1Why is our world wonderful?
Everyday Materials
Spring 2How did we learn to fly?
Everyday Materials
Summer 1What is it like to live by the coast?
Summer 2What is a monarch?
Living Things & Their Habitats



English and Maths homework will be set on alternate weeks and topics are set to consolidate children's learning at school. Encourage your child to complete this independently and support when necessary. 


Daily reading is expected at least 3 times a week but preferably every night. Your child will receive new reading books on a Friday. Please take the opportunity to re-read the school reading book and ask and answer questions to improve comprehension skills. Reading records will be checked each week so it's important parents record a brief comment and date each time their child reads.

School library books will be issued and changed every Friday.



Spelling homework is given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday. These words will follow a phonic programme and cover the high frequency words and Year 2 common exception words.


Times Tables Rockstars

Every child should have a log in and should be practising their times tables twice weekly, focusing on the 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x and 4x tables.




Curriculum overviews
