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Cookham Dean CE Primary School

Where we all flourish

You make known to me the path of life.
Psalm 16 verse 11

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 - 2024-2025




Dear Parents and Children,


The teacher in Year 4 is Miss Thompson. I am supported by our class TA, Mrs Harding who is in class every morning.  We are really looking forward to seeing you all back in school and can't wait to start our learning journey in Year 4. Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please come into school in your PE kit on these days. You will remain in this all day so please do not bring in anything to change into. 


Our class page contains lots of information about what we will be focusing on this year, as well as links to useful websites. Children are positively encouraged to bring in any work that has been completed that relates to our topic as we love to see what they have been doing at home.




Very best wishes,


Miss Thompson.




Year 4 topics 


TopicArea of curriculumScience
Where does or food come from?GeographyBiology - Animals including humans
What did the Greeks do for us?History

Physics - Sound

Who lives in AntarcticaGeography Physics - States of Matter
How hard was it to settle in Britain?  Anglo-SaxonsHistory Biology - Living things and their habitats
What are rivers and how are they used?Geography  Physics - Electricity
Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers?History Chemistry - Science all around






Term 2 - Curriculum overview

Quick Links to learning websites
