Autumn/Winter 2024
Spring/Summer 2024
Autumn/Winter 2023
All food at Cookham Dean CE Primary School is cooked on site by Caterlink. The menu changes on a 3 week rota, a copy of the menu is sent home at the beginning of term. Extra copies available in the hall lobby area or please check the menu which is displayed on the noticeboard in the KS2 playground. Our aim is to provide a menu to encourage children to develop a healthy attitude towards food. Vegetables are freshly prepared. Recipes are available upon request. Parents are welcome to come and join us for lunch, please let the school office know by 3pm the day before if you will be joining your child, along with payment of £3.23. Please note - due to current restrictions this is not something we are currently able to do.
If you require any help with the online payment system please view the Parent User Guides below, which should have the answer to any queries.
Free School Meals
ALL children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a universal infant free school meal. HOWEVER, if you are in receipt of benefits and believe you would have been entitled to a free school meal prior to the new government funding, please contact the school office as we are able to earn extra funding just by registering a pupil.
If you think you may be eligible for free school meals or pupil premium funding please check the website
The meal price for pupil paid meals is £3.23
Parents must pay and pre-order their child's meal on line by midnight the day before. We do not accept cash or cheques for school lunches as the system is managed by Caterlink only.
All meals must be ordered online via Meals can be ordered for particular days, a week or even a term in advance. It is essential that meals are chosen at home ordered on the system as otherwise a school meal cannot be prepared for your child.
For pupils who are entitled to a UIFSM (Universal Infant Free School Meals – Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2) plus pupils entitled to a free school meal – you will still need to order your child’s meal choice on line. This is quick and easy to do and can be ordered for the whole term in advance. Parents will be able to decide with their child the school meal they would like to eat on a daily basis. Please make sure your child knows what has been ordered for them.
For paying pupils, meals will also need to be ordered online, however please ensure your account is in credit as you will not be able to book a meal if not. Automated e-mail alerts and reminders can be set up as a prompt when the account is below £10.00.
If you are unable to book a meal online please ensure you send your child in with a packed lunch as there will be no meal ordered for them that day.
All meals must be ordered at home by 12pm the night before.