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Cookham Dean CE Primary School

Where we all flourish

You make known to me the path of life.
Psalm 16 verse 11


MUGA 2023

Still image for this video
The unveiling of our new MUGA at Sports Day 2023

Autumn 2023


It has been a very busy first term for Sport at Cookham Dean.


Each year group has attended a number of School Sport Partnership events ranging from speed stacking and the Active 60 Festival in KS1 to Sportshall Athletics in KS2. Theses events have allowed the children to compete against other schools as well as improve their own personal bests.


The Sports Ambassadors have been working hard to ensure that everyone is as active as possible at break and lunchtime. Recently, some of them attended a training course at Newlands Girls School on how to run a range of multi skill games for younger children. The games have been a real hit with KS1 and they look forward to taking part each lunchtime.


In KS2, we have had a number of Inter form competitions in football and Tag rugby during PE lessons. The children have enjoyed competing against one another to showcase their skills and to use them in a match situation. 


Our Year 6 netball team have also had an excellent start to their season, winning a number of games convincingly and playing with excellent sportsmanship and spirit.


Moving forward, we are really exciting by the gradual introduction of OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) at lunchtimes. The children have embraced the new approach to play and shown a real creativity in using all the new equipment that has been kindly donated. We look forward to expanding the project in the new year. 

School Sports Partnership

Inter Form Competition
